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History of the Organization 


The Ears for Peers hotline was founded in 1988, and we continue to abide by the main principles and functions that existed when the line was created.


We provide an anonymous and confidential resource for students, by lending a listening ear. We are a unique hotline in that our volunteers are students who can sympathize and empathize with callers, their fellow peers. Sometimes students feel more comfortable speaking with a peer than an adult, a professional, or a friend. Ears for Peers strives to help callers feel comfortable talking about what is bothering them. Our goal is to help students feel heard and understood. Every caller presents with a unique story, and so any suggestions we offer are tailored to the student’s specific needs. As students ourselves, we understand that sometimes it helps to vent and talk to someone else about a problem.


Ears for Peers also endeavors to make students aware of other resources that can help them beyond our organization’s capacity. These other sources of help might be specific administrators, friends, groups on campus, like culture houses, or clubs. We also make referrals to counseling and other psychological help hotlines when students are in need.


We look forward to continuing to provide this resource for our peers!


If you want to know more about the organization, feel free to check out some of our old blog posts!






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